World’s Oldest Arch Bridge

MCOM 63 - Arkadico Bridge





Arkadiko Bridge is one of the world’s oldest arch bridges still in existence and use. Which means that, yes, local people still cross it today. Even though, there are a few other older bridges in the world, Adkadiko is significant because it is regarded as the world’s oldest surviving bridge ever built. It is found on the modern road from Tiryns to Epidauro on the Peloponnese peninsula of southern Greece. The bridge is a Mycenaean bridge dating as far back as the Greek Bronze Era (ca. 1300–1190 BC). Even though it is a small bridge by size, 22 m long and 4 meters high, it is a solid bridge built out of huge, so-called cyclopean stones. The sophisticated layout of the bridge and the type of road indicate that it was specifically constructed for use by chariots. The bridge was part of a road system that ran between two cities in Mycenaean times.

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